How I Started Quilting
Up until late in 1996 I was a self taught quilter. I'd been sewing all my adult life. Always bought my fabrics at a local fabric store. Made my quilts from fabric store cotton. Used the books I found at the fabric store to give me an idea of what to do and how to do it. Then one day I looked in the phone book under Quilting and found a quilt store - The Quilt Foundry. If you click on the link to right it will take you there. On one of the inside walls of the Foundry, they displayed the Piecemakers Calendar for 1997. Pictures were put together with fabric!...and you couldn't see the stitches of the material that was placed on the background. "What is that?" I asked the shop owner. She told me it was called Applique and that there would be a class to make the calendar beginning in January. I took that class and loved applique. I have yet to finish that calendar. It is one of my works in progress...yes in progress from 1997. What a combination. I could now make pictures out of fabric. This brought together my two hobbies - art (drawing, painting) plus quilting.
My next class was with Jeannie Carmichael. Jeannie has passed away, but her art lives on. I took 3 classes with her. I finished the one on the left. It is hand appliqued, and hand quilted.
Santa Pattern |
I also took a Santa Clause class with her. That is another work in progress. A friend of mine finished hers.. A number of us are still working on it. After all these years I plan to make some changes to the quilt. This is the only picture I can come up with of the finished quilt. Finishing this quilt is a "thing" for us. I think most of us began our applique experience with Jeannie and we are all telling each other we will finish it.
After my first experience with applique, I liked it enough to want like minded people with me. We started a group in 1999 and have been together ever since.
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