12 Days of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas
Work in Progress

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Another Mugrug

Another Mug Rug Gift for Daughter in Law

I really love making these MugRugs.  Made this one from my stash.  Hand Quilted, Hand Pieced.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Appliqued Hearts

Appliqued Hearts
I began this wall quilt with a class some time ago.  I finally finished the last bit of it, the binding.  It is hand appliqued, hand quilted. This is the first time I've used wool batting and I love the way it quilts up.  Another DONE project from the past. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Organizing My Bits of Fabric

Now in fabric boxes

Organizing My Small Pieces

A Few weeks ago, I found while wondering the internet, the idea of using Comic Book Backing Boards to organize my fabric.  I ordered the Backing Boards and started to wrap and organize, but then came upon these little bits that are just a jumbled mess. They aren't going to fit on those Backing Boards..

Jumbled Mess of Greens

 Each time I use these fabrics, I end up tossing them out to see what I want, messing up my sewing space, picking and choosing and then having to put them all back in again.  Time consuming!  So keeping in mind that I would really love to use these bits up I took some index cards and wrapped and organized.  It took me about a half hour.  I did the same with the reds and have begun the blues. 

Red Fabric Wrapped Around a 3 x 5 Index Card

Blue Fabric Wrapped Around a 5 x 7 Index Card
I put them back in the zipper bag, but I might find a better way.  Hey I can see what I have and can pull out whatever I need individually rather than dumping the whole thing out.  Pieces that would not fit on index cards were put in a small baggy.  I plan to use these bits and pieces to make my hexies.

Organized Reds

Organized Greens

Hexagon Mug Rug

Hexagon Mug Rug

Hexagon Mug Rug Back
Hexagons have lately become another minor digression from my task of finishing up my pile of UFO's.  But, this is not an excuse mind you for the diversion, but I'm using up my stash..those little bits and pieces that have no where to go.  The purpose of this journey I began a few years ago was to use what I had already accumulated in fabric.  

These bits and pieces to make the mug rug are very old and they were all in a jumble in a storage bag.  Which led me to another diversion..straightening my collection of bits and pieces into a usable (translation - findable) collection.  I find myself taking more time straightening up my quilt room than doing the actual sewing!  I'm looking for a solution to this conundrum.  

Back to the Mug Rug...it is hand pieced and then the flowers were hand appliqued to the background.  I hand quilted it.  

These little mug rugs I've been doing have been a great way to hone my skills.  I've never been able to put on a decent binding ...but now I think I can.  Not the best, mind you, but it's coming along.  I'm improving my hand quilting too.  Again, not the best, but I'm coming along.  And because the project is small, I'm not getting easily bored.  ...which is why I have so many UFO's in the first place.